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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba
  • Text prepared by: Eric Hiheglo 


    Kossi, A man apart

    Born in Togo in 1987, Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba stands as a powerful voice in the silent revolution, unwaveringly dedicated to dismantling what he terms "modern slavery". Hailing from the crucible of the immigrant experience, he emerges as a staunch advocate against the autocratic rule and torment inflicted by African leaders, particularly within his homeland.

    Aziagba's journey is one marked by both anguish and unwavering resolve. Seven years spent in a dense forest refugee camp located in Benin, West Africa, forged the man we know today. His love for his homeland, despite the torment it brought him, led him into an environment bereft of democratic freedoms and the enriching power of knowledge. It was a risk-laden endeavor that threatened his very life. Yet, from this crucible of adversity, Aziagba's spirit awakened, propelling him to take a determined stance against the very system that sought to suppress him.

    During these years in the woods, amidst the cries of suffering and echoes of modern slavery, Aziagba faced unimaginable challenges. He was tortured three times in Togo and persecuted overseas. His journey took him over 2000 kilometers from Panama through forests, where he was often threatened by human traffickers. He endured beatings several times by migration officers in Guatemala and Mexico, those who were supposed to provide him protection. In 2021, while attempting to migrate to North America, his call for action was rejected, and he found himself unjustly imprisoned for 33 days.

    Aziagba's unwavering determination and resilience were further demonstrated through his pursuit of education. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the prestigious Universidade Mogi das Cruzes in São Paulo. His accreditation and training encompass a wide range of disciplines, including structures, soils, constructions, water, transports, and sanitation. This comprehensive education equips him with a profound understanding of the complexities and challenges inherent in the field.

    Aziagba's fervent advocacy and literary prowess have manifested in numerous works that now grace the shelves of bookstores and online marketplaces. Amidst his impassioned pleas, he weaves romantic tales, skillfully intertwining threads of emotion in his narratives. His poetic sensibility finds a powerful voice in his collection "Les Épines Mortelles", published by Éditions K06 in 2023.

    Through his journey, Aziagba embodies the struggles, dreams, and unwavering perseverance of countless immigrants. His pen serves as a clarion call against oppression and exploitation. In his pursuit of the fulfillment of his people and personal realization, he stands tall as a beacon of resilience, unyielding in the face of challenges strewn along his path.


    Eric Hiheglo 
    Ambassador Human Rights, House Counselor

  • “November, 2022

      As we journey through life, we encounter a plethora of souls who will undoubtedly form opinions about us, whether they be glowing or otherwise. Yet, amidst the cacophony of voices, it is essential to hold fast to our truest selves and nurture a heart full of positivity. When words fail us, and our thoughts remain trapped within, the written word serves as a liberating force, allowing us to pour out the whispers of our hearts. And though our musings may be read by many, they are but a reflection of the one true soul that beats within us. 

    I wrote these words when I was in detention, in Karnes County Residential center, US

  • KO6 Editions, is a home publishing service created by the author in 2019 to control the lack of professional publishers. The author after having written his manuscript, edits them himself, formats them and publishes them. Today the service is managed by the company AZIAGBA SERVICES CA - A company based in Canada, created by the Author.


  • ​Kossi holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the prestigious Universidade Mogi das Cruzes, in São Paulo, with accreditation and training in:

    - STRUCTURES (Strength of Materials, Theory of Structures, Concrete Constructions, Metallic and Wooden Constructions and Large Structures);

    - SOILS. (Soil Mechanics, Geology Applied to Engineering and Foundations and Earth Works);

    - CONSTRUCTIONS (Electrical Installations, Civil Construction Materials, Concepts of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Construction, Safety, Damage and Recovery of Works and Management of Works and Civil Construction);

    - WATER (Fluid Mechanics, Hydrology and Hydraulic and Building Installations);

    - TRANSPORTS (Road, Transport and Traffic Engineering)

    - SANITATION (Basic Sanitation).


  • My name is Fafali, and it means something very special: Peace ! It's like a constant reminder, a whisper in my ear that even when things are tough, there's always peace inside. I feel this peace most when I'm quiet and can think. It's like a connection with something bigger than myself, a feeling of calm that washes over me. 

    The world might seem noisy sometimes, but underneath it all, there's a quiet peace, like a gentle breeze. (Kossi, 2022)

Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

This image represente a hand pen which is used by author to write

Hi there ! Welcome to my website! 

  Fafali is my name ! I'm thrilled you've arrived to explore the power of words. Here, you'll find a compelling collection of my writing, encompassing everything from thought-provoking essays on racism, politics, and religion to captivating fiction and heartfelt poetry. Whether you're seeking critical insights that challenge perspectives or simply looking for a captivating story, I invite you to delve into my creations. As a writer, I'm passionate about using my voice to advocate for social justice. Modern slavery and the plight of asylum seekers are issues close to my heart, and you'll find them woven into some of my work. But I also believe in the power of stories to transport us to different worlds and ignite imaginations. So, explore my blog or a variety of genres, quotes, including science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, poetry, romance or mystery ! 

Kossi N'Tialafali Aziagba | Writer | 1987 - Present


A bit of me: This is my story

This is my story, a testament to the unwavering spirit that lives within us all. It's a story of exile, forced displacement, and the constant battle against adversity. But it's also a story of hope, sorrow and the profound kindness of strangers. Violence and persecution ripped me from my homeland, casting me on a perilous journey across continents. Every step on the path to exile was fraught with danger and loss. Yet, the dream of a life free from fear and oppression burned bright within me. Reaching country like Canada, a new land, brought new challenges. The complexities of navigating a new system, a new language, all felt insurmountable at times. But I'm persevering, fueled by that same unwavering resolve that had brought me this far.

My experience in Canada wasn't defined solely by hardship. It was also a testament to the power of human connection. In the midst of difficulty, I found solace and support in a welcoming community, a testament to the compassion that binds us all. Even today, the fight continues. It's not just about my own journey, but for the countless others forced to flee their homes in search of safety. My story is a call to remember the importance of compassion, solidarity, and empathy for those who have lost everything.

We all have a responsibility to those less fortunate. To stand up for the basic rights of all, to combat injustice wherever it exists. Together, through collective action, we can build a brighter future, a world brimming with compassion and justice.

This is my story, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

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