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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

Fafali is my name

My name is Fafali, and it means something very special: Peace.

Kossi's book master inner peace
Peace inside

It's like a constant reminder, a whisper in my ear that even when things are tough, there's always peace inside. I feel this peace most when I'm quiet and can think. It's like a connection with something bigger than myself, a feeling of calm that washes over me.

The world might seem noisy sometimes, but underneath it all, there's a quiet peace, like a gentle breeze. (Kossi, 2022)

Fafali is my name
We all come from dust, and to dust we return. But that doesn't scare me. It just means everything has its place, and mine is finding peace in this life. 

Maybe I don't have a lot of money, but that's okay. True wealth is the peace I have inside. It's what makes me smile and keeps me going, even on hard days.
Fafali is my name

Fafali isn't my only name. Sometimes people call me Ntiafalali, which also means peace. It's like a double dose of peace for me! And then there's Kossi, which means "born on Sunday." Sundays are peaceful days, so I guess it makes sense because i really feel this peace all time, and i wish I can build a world of peace around me. Building peace isn't just about a feeling inside, it's about creating a peaceful world around us too. That's why I studied civil engineering - to use my skills to design and build spaces that are comfortable and safe for everyone. Imagine homes that feel calming, schools that inspire learning, and communities that connect people in harmony.

Poetry: My Source of Strength

Auteur : Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba Titre : Les épines mortelles - Vol. 1 Genre : Poésie Langue : Français Date de publication : 27 juin 2023 ISBN-13 : 979-8398255720 Dimensions : 15,24 x 0,61 x 22,86 cm Nombre de pages : 105
My poetry : Les épines mortelles. Vol.1

When things get quiet, I turn to poetry. It's like a conversation with myself, putting my thoughts and feelings into words. Writing poems gives me strength and hope, especially when I'm alone. It's a source of comfort, a way to express the emotions that might be hard to say out loud. Speaking of alone time, it's actually one of my favorite things! I find peace and inspiration in solitude.

Spending time by myself allows me to think deeply, to connect with God, and to marvel at the wonder of creation.

It's amazing to consider how something as vast and complex as the universe could come from nothing. That mystery excites me and motivates me to explore the wonders hidden within myself. Every day, even in solitude, I discover something new, a fresh perspective or a deeper understanding of life. It's a beautiful journey of self-discovery.

Peace for Everyone
No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone deserves peace. Maybe you find peace in nature, in spending time with loved ones, or in quiet moments of prayer. What brings you peace?  Let's talk about it in the comments below!

No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone deserves peace. Maybe you find peace in nature, in spending time with loved ones, or in quiet moments of prayer. What brings you peace?

Let's talk about it in the comments below!


About the author :  Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba was born in Togo in 1987. He is a prolific author who fights to end "modern slavery." He denounces the torture inflicted by African autocratic leaders, the mistreatment of immigrants and asylum seekers, censorship, sexual violence, and the use of refugee camps as a new way to exploit migrants and black people.
Kossi (Fafali)

About the author :

Kossi was born in Togo in 1987. He is a prolific author who fights to end "modern slavery." It's a hard position and almost impossible but He is trying. He denounces the torture inflicted by African autocratic leaders, the mistreatment of immigrants and asylum seekers, censorship, sexual violence, and the use of refugee's camps as a new way to exploit migrants and black people toward developed country..

Here are some of his notable achievements:
  • Author of several books, including the poetrybook "Les épines mortelles - Vol. 1" (2023) and "L'espoir est une arme puissante" (2022).

  • Founder of the association "Lumière pour l'Afrique" (2019), which works to improve the living conditions of refugees and migrants in Africa.

  • Activist and speaker on issues of human rights, social justice, and peace.

  • Recipient of the "Prix de la liberté d'expression" (2021) from the Association des écrivains togolais.

  • He has written extensively on the political and social issues facing Africa, including corruption, poverty, and human rights abuses.

  • He believes that education is the key to Africa's development.

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