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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

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The Togolese dictatorship

This dictatorship has grown slowly, tenaciously, and immune to all forces. It has grown horns and hairs, which it now uses to warm up, boast, and terrorize. The history of the Togolese dictatorship is short but terribly frightening. It continues to develop day by day, shielded by powerful forces and great powers. If a nation has a voice, that of the Togolese dictatorship is without an echo. It resonates only within its borders because outside, no one hears it. It is dead, annihilated by its own opposition, the government's first ally. 

    History will undoubtedly remind us of this, but the present undoubtedly knows more. 

The appalling dictatorship that has ruled over Togo for over fifty years seems unstoppable, supported by a cruel and corrupt army comprised of the dictator's family members, loyal tribesmen, and "corrupt politicians." Peaceful demonstrations are brutally repressed, and the international community appears to turn a blind eye to the daily atrocities committed. Since 1963, the country has been plunged into a democratic darkness when a coup led by a sergeant ousted the first democratically elected president...

About this version

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BRBVHRY8

  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 10, 2023

  • Language ‏ : ‎ English

  • File size ‏ : ‎ 70363 KB

  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 310 pages

  • This in-depth exploration of the Togolese dictatorship goes beyond a mere exposé; it unfolds as a comprehensive book delving into the historical nuances and contemporary challenges posed by the authoritarian regime in Togo. The narrative bravely denounces and meticulously examines various facets, tracing the roots from the history of Togolese settlement to contemporary issues such as political repression, human rights violations, and the dynamics of international support.

    The book is not confined to a singular perspective but unfolds through multiple chapters, each addressing a crucial aspect of the Togolese political landscape. From the early history, colonization, and social conflicts to the present-day impact on the economy, the narrative offers a holistic view of the complexities surrounding the Togolese dictatorship. The exploration culminates in a pressing question that reverberates throughout the book: Why does the international community continue to support this regime?

    Crucially, this insightful book is available in both English and French editions, ensuring accessibility to a diverse readership. Furthermore, it is conveniently accessible on Google Books pages, facilitating readers in their quest for a deeper understanding of Togo's political trajectory.

    As readers engage with this comprehensive work, they embark on a journey through the intricate layers of Togolese history and politics, prompting critical reflection and encouraging a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by the Togolese people. The narrative transcends the boundaries of a traditional exposé, evolving into a valuable resource for those seeking a profound exploration of the Togolese dictatorship and its implications on both national and international levels.


    ASIN / ISBN : 

    Title of the book :


  • This book was first published on :

    May 25, 2023

    6 x 0.69 x 9 inches Weight ‏ : ‎ 13.4 ounces

  • Print length ‏ :


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  • This in-depth exploration of the Togolese dictatorship goes beyond a mere exposé; it unfolds as a comprehensive book delving into the historical nuances and contemporary challenges posed by the authoritarian regime in Togo. The narrative bravely denounces and meticulously examines various facets, tracing the roots from the history of Togolese settlement to contemporary issues such as political repression, human rights violations, and the dynamics of international support.

    The book is not confined to a singular perspective but unfolds through multiple chapters, each addressing a crucial aspect of the Togolese political landscape. From the early history, colonization, and social conflicts to the present-day impact on the economy, the narrative offers a holistic view of the complexities surrounding the Togolese dictatorship. The exploration culminates in a pressing question that reverberates throughout the book: Why does the international community continue to support this regime?

    Crucially, this insightful book is available in both English and French editions, ensuring accessibility to a diverse readership. Furthermore, it is conveniently accessible on Google Books pages, facilitating readers in their quest for a deeper understanding of Togo's political trajectory.

    As readers engage with this comprehensive work, they embark on a journey through the intricate layers of Togolese history and politics, prompting critical reflection and encouraging a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by the Togolese people. The narrative transcends the boundaries of a traditional exposé, evolving into a valuable resource for those seeking a profound exploration of the Togolese dictatorship and its implications on both national and international levels.

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