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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

Chap. 7


- Don't lie to me, honey. What's wrong? Your voice is small,  like a sad song.

(Tears welling up from Luana's eyes)

- Mom, it's really nothing, just a bad day.

- Don't lie to me, sweetie. My eyes see straight... something's hidden, like a heavy weight.

(Luana Taking a deep breath)

- Okay, Mom, listen. It's hard to explain


Coming soon

Don't lie to me

This is the hardcover of the book :"Les epines mortelles"

 Presenting the collection of poems: "Les épines mortelles"


This collection is a french collection of poems. 

The book was first published in 2021 and is divided into two volumes. The English translation of “Les épines Mortelles” is: The Deadly Thorns. The poems explore a wide range of themes, including love, loss, injustice, and hope. This collection includes 78 poems and a magnificent ''proem'' about Kossi's life that you will enjoy reading. In this volume, at the end of the collection, special learning about poems, rhythms, verses, stanzas, metaphors, figures of speech, characters and an explanation of certain poems for better understanding. The 2nd volume has not yet been published.

This image is the combine image of the 3 model forms of the book "Les Epines mortelles", eBook cover, Hardcover and Paperback

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Vol.1 Les épines mortelles.

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This image is the combine image of the book "Les maitres de la communication", eBook cover, Hardcover and Paperback

  French version of : The Masters of Communication  

Les Maîtres de la Communication
✅ Available on Amazon: NOW ON 🔥

What confession is all about ?

​In this french collection of poems, the author takes us on an intimate exploration of two souls: Rosalia and her ex.
Rosalia, after betraying her husband, had no choice but to face her own betrayal and the poet, drunk with evil, demands an impossible justice. The two launch into an intense exchange of verses, emotions and revelations about their past and their error in front of an audience who only wants to be mocking and not judging. Also read an insight of the book here

Author: Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba
Publication date: July 28, 2023

Total page: 240

This image is the combine image of the 3 model forms of the poetry book "Confession", eBook cover, Hardcover and Paperback

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