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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

To the one I betrayed

Beneath the cloak of deceit I wore,

Confessions unfold, a heart left sore.

In verses, heavy with remorse's weight,

Lies the wreckage of love's cruel fate.

Through the maze of my misguided art,

Our promises crumble, torn apart.

A bitter truth, an open wound,

The heart's betrayal, a silence profound.

Regrets cascade like an endless sea,

Where love once sailed, lost in duplicity.

Broken pledges echo in the void,

A somber symphony, forever employed.

To the one I betrayed,

In these lines, the agony displayed.

In shadows of unfaithfulness' plight,

A poetic lament, a tear-stained night.

Feb. 2024

Montreal, Le debut d'un adieu

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