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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

A garden of tongues

In Montreal's embrace, where rivers gently weave,

A linguistic tapestry, where diverse voices heave.

French, like a blooming flower, its petals unfold,

In the midst of tongues foreign, a tale to be told.

Through cobbled streets, a fragrant bouquet,

Languages entwined, in a dance they sway.

Accents like petals, in a melody they twirl,

A symphony of voices, a linguistic whirl.

A garden of tongues, each a vibrant hue,

Foreign whispers, like morning dew.

Travelers lost in Canada's vast expanse,

Find refuge in Montreal, a poetic chance.

The fragrance of perfumes, a sweet-scented air,

Mingles with accents, a sensory affair.

Quebecois French, distinct and inviting,

A dialect that's charming, endlessly exciting.

In this linguistic garden, where cultures align,

Words bloom like flowers, intertwining vines.

Montreal, a refuge for travelers and more,

A canvas of languages, an inviting lore.

Through cobblestone alleys, where stories are weaved,

The aroma of languages, like flowers perceived.

French, the fragrant blossom, in Montreal's embrace,

A poetic journey, where diverse tongues grace.

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Quebec Flag

Montreal, QC (Feb. 2024)

Thinking about my french

© Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

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