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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

 A little girl is crying for refuge

 A little girl is crying for refuge

In a sterile room, with walls so bare,

A little girl waits, a heavy weight to bear.

No toys to hold, no stories told,

Just silence deep, and worries unfold.

Her eyes, once bright, now filled with tears,

Yearning for comfort, quelling her fears.

A mother's touch, a whispered word,

But only echoes in this room unheard.

Across the miles, a judge's hand,

Holds the key to a distant land.

A decision made, a future unknown,

Will hope take flight, or will she be alone?

Through tiny bars, she sees the sun,

Dreaming of freedom, a life begun.

Where laughter rings, and playgrounds bloom,

A world of safety, dispelling the gloom.

In her small heart, a prayer takes flight,

For a mother's love, and a future bright.

May open doors and welcoming hands,

Bring solace at last, to these foreign lands.

A little girl waits, a heavy weight to bear.
A heavy weight to bear.

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