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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

By the Water's Edge

I am here, wherever you may go.  We are connected by this starry night,  A bond of solace, bathed in gentle light.
My edge

By the Water's Edge

I wear a cloak of velvet black,

Stars like diamonds, on my back.

You admire the moon, a silver gleam,

Reflecting in the water, a tranquil dream.

I whisper secrets through the reeds,

A symphony of silver on the rippling beads.

You find solace in the peaceful night,

Only the crickets chirping, bathed in gentle light.

I hold mysteries in my depths so deep,

Where forgotten dreams and secrets sleep.

You search for shapes in the moonlit tide,

Like phantoms dancing, forever to hide.

On the shore, the trees stand tall and strong,

I watch them guard as the night moves along.

You feel their leaves brush the starry sky,

A silent ballet, as moments fly.

I offer an escape, a world apart,

From the worries of life, a calming start.

We stand together, beneath my starry grace,

Finding solace in this peaceful space.

I was the witness to that fateful night,

You were lost, searching for guiding light.

I thought I saw a flicker of despair,

But you found strength, a burden to bear.

You are stronger than you know,

I am here, wherever you may go.  We are connected by this starry night,  A bond of solace, bathed in gentle light.
I am here

I am here, wherever you may go.

We are connected by this starry night,

A bond of solace, bathed in gentle light.

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