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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

Don't lie to me

Don't lie to me, honey. What's wrong?

Your voice is small, like a sad song.

(Tears welling up)

Mom, it's nothing, really, just a bad day.

Don't lie to me, sweetie. My eyes see straight.

Something's hidden, a heavy weight.

(Taking a deep breath)

Okay, Mom, listen. It's hard to explain.

I... I don't feel like the girl you named.

Don't lie to me, darling. You can tell me true.

Who are you hiding? What's the real you?

It's not a lie, Mom. It's who I've become.

A different name, a heart still numb.

Don't lie to me, my love. It's not about the name.

My love for you, forever the same.

It's scary, Mom. What if you don't understand?

This feeling inside, a different kind of hand.

Don't lie to me, my child. Let's talk it through.

Love's embrace will always see you through.

(Hugging her mom)

Thank you, Mom. I was so afraid.

But your love is safe, a promise made.

Don't lie to me, honey. Maybe there's a way.

Jesus' love can guide us, every single day.

Maybe God made us different, don't you see?

His love is wide, for you and for me.

Don't lie to me, darling. Let's pray with a plea.

For clarity, for what He wants us to be.

In His light, we'll find the way, hand in hand.

His love is the answer, across every land.

(Daughter ponders)

Maybe being different isn't all there is.

Maybe Jesus holds a greater bliss.

Don't lie to me, my child. We'll walk this path side by side.

Following faith, with hearts open wide.

(Daughter ponders)

Maybe being different isn't all there is.

Maybe Jesus holds a greater bliss.

Don't lie to me, honey. But listen to your heart,

God's love can heal the very deepest part.

Tears well in her eyes, a newfound light.

"Mom, maybe the path feels different tonight."

Don't lie to me, darling. Tell me what you see.

A chance for change, a chance to finally be free?

"Maybe being a girl isn't who I'm meant to be.

Maybe Jesus has a different plan for me."

Don't lie to me, my love. That's a brave choice, you see.

Following faith, He'll set your spirit free.

(They hug tightly)

We'll walk this path together, hand in hand, side by side.

Jesus' love our guide, in Him we can confide.

But Don't lie to me my Girl. I know you're undecided

(There, i Freeze) How come, dare you mom?...

A daughter grapples with her identity through faith and her mother's love.
A daughter grapples with her identity through faith and her mother's love.

Author's Note:

Explore a mother and daughter's heartfelt conversation in "Don't Lie to Me." This poem offers a glimpse into my upcoming book: Don't lie to me. Stay tuned!

Author: Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

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