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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

I'm freaking out

My fingers are numb, the room's a cold cave,

I'm freezing out, lost in this lonely wave.

A beautiful solo, a song with no band,

Just echoes of whispers in a desolate land.

Laughter explodes outside, a symphony of glee,

But I'm freaking out, a stranger to such scenery.

My phone mocks me, a screen dark and cold,

No messages waiting, a story untold.

Goosebumps erupt, a shiver that won't quit,

I'm freezing out, yearning for a soulmate's fit.

Is there someone out there, with a hand to hold tight?

To chase away the shadows, and bring back the light?

But wait, is that warmth? A flicker on the screen?

My breath catches suddenly, a hopeful, bright sheen.

Maybe I'm freaking out, but in a different way,

Because you, my soulmate, might bring sunshine today.

I'm freaking out

This poem is a heartfelt cry from a "beautiful solo girl" yearning for her soulmate. Filled with imagery of isolation and a flicker of hope, it captures the emotional rollercoaster of finding love and the fear of being alone.
Freaking Out : Poem

Author: Kossi, Ntiafalali Aziagba

Date published: 03/03/2024

Local: Montreal(QC), CANADA

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