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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

To Lediane

Lediane, My Compass and My Home

Lediane, my wife, my guiding star so bright,

You navigate my course, through darkness and light.

My solace and haven, a harbor in the storm,

In your arms I find peace, safe and ever warm.

Your laughter, a melody that dances in the air,

Chasing away worries, a burden I can't bear.

Your eyes, deep oceans reflecting the moon's glow,

Holding secrets whispered, only lovers can know.

Your touch, a spark that ignites passion's flame,

A silent language spoken, whispered in my name.

Your voice, a symphony that soothes my weary soul,

A love story unfolding, making me whole.

We journey together, through valleys and peaks,

Hand in hand we conquer, facing life's unique.

Through laughter and tears, our bond ever remains,

A love that transcends time, etched in love's sweet strains.

Lediane, my compass, my home, and my guide,

With you by my side, forever I confide.

In the tapestry of life, our threads forever entwined,

A love everlasting, forever you'll be mine.

Lediane, My Eternal Symphony

Lediane, my wife, a name that sings so sweet,

A melody of love, forever complete.

My forever bloom, where passions brightly bloom,

In your embrace, my heart finds its truest room.

Your eyes, like sapphires reflecting the sun's embrace,

Hold galaxies of wisdom, lighting up my space.

Your smile, a sunrise painting the world anew,

Chasing away shadows, with love ever true.

Your touch, a whisper on a rose's velvet skin,

A silent language spoken, forever held within.

Your voice, a symphony that echoes in my soul,

A love story whispered, making me whole.

We dance through life's seasons, hand in hand we roam,

A tapestry woven, with threads of love as home.

Through laughter and tears, our bond ever strong,

A love that endures, where we truly belong.

Lediane, my muse, my inspiration's light,

You fill my world with beauty, chasing away the night.

Forever grateful, for the love that we share,

A love everlasting, a bond beyond compare.


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