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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

Open Letter to Criminal Groups, CONARE, Brazilian Law Enforcement and Government

Subject: Protection of Vulnerable Migrant Populations and Respect for Human Rights

With this Open Letter, We, citizens of Brazil and the world, write this open letter to express our deep indignation at the violence and human rights violations suffered by vulnerable migrant populations in Brazil. We call on criminal groups, the National Refugee Commission (CONARE), law enforcement and the Brazilian government to take concrete measures to protect these populations and guarantee their fundamental rights.

To criminal groups:

Cease your ruthless attacks on vulnerable migrant populations. These people, already weakened by exile and the search for a better life, should not suffer further violence. The case of Marielle Franco, assassinated in 2018 for her commitment to the rights of migrants and marginalized populations, is a tragic symbol of the violence that plagues Brazil.

To law enforcement:

Put an end to the killings and assassinations during your operations. Police and military interventions in favelas and migrant concentration areas must be carried out with respect for human life and fundamental rights. The Jacarezinho massacre in May 2021, where 28 people were killed during a police operation, is a frightening example of the impunity that reigns in certain law enforcement agencies.


Strengthen your efforts to ensure fair and efficient processing of asylum claims. Long processing times and administrative hurdles are major barriers to refugee integration. The case of Alhaji, a Nigerian refugee forced to live in hiding for 10 years while waiting for his application to be processed, illustrates the shortcomings of the Brazilian asylum system.

To the Brazilian government:

Adopt public policies that protect vulnerable migrant populations and promote their inclusion in Brazilian society. Access to education, health, work and decent housing is essential to ensure a dignified life for refugees and migrants. The lack of access to basic services for migrant populations, such as education for refugee children, is an unacceptable reality that must be urgently addressed.

Call to action:

We call for national and international mobilization to end the violence and human rights violations suffered by vulnerable migrant populations in Brazil.

We demand:
  • The immediate cessation of attacks by criminal groups against migrants.

  • Independent investigations into human rights violations committed by law enforcement.

  • The strengthening of CONARE's means to ensure fair and efficient processing of asylum claims.

  • The adoption of public policies that protect and integrate vulnerable migrant populations.

Open Letter to Criminal Groups, CONARE, Brazilian Law Enforcement and Government
Open Letter

Respect for human rights is a fundamental pillar of any just and democratic society. We cannot turn away from our responsibilities towards vulnerable migrant populations. It is time to act to build a more inclusive Brazil that respects the rights of all.


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