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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

The covenant

The rainbow

The rainbow is the sign of the covenant that God made with Noah and, by extension, with all humanity after the flood. This covenant is described in the book of Genesis, chapter 9. God promised never to destroy the earth by a flood again, and the rainbow is the visible sign of this promise.

The covenant with Abraham, on the other hand, is another covenant mentioned in the Bible, where God promises Abraham to make him the father of a great nation and to bless all the families of the earth through his descendants. This is described in the book of Genesis, chapters 12, 15, and 17. Thus, the rainbow is specifically related to God's covenant with Noah and all humanity, and not with Abraham.

Gays and Lesbians

Now comes the interesting part: gays and lesbians have adopted this sign, saying that the covenant was made with them. I understand that they may mean that they too are living beings and that God's covenant extends to all living beings. Nice try! But no, no, no. Being gay or lesbian is not just a sin, it is a crime before God, an abomination greater than sin. The first people who attempted these practices lived in a city called Sodom, during the time when Abraham was still alive on earth. Abraham even tried to plead for them, but God answered, no, no! God destroyed them with a burning fire because they had committed a grave act against nature. God told men to go forth and multiply! But gays and lesbians say no to this word of God.

The judgement

So what do they want? For God Himself to come down and multiply on earth? The impure will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. And sins against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. Not in this age, nor in the age to come, says God, Almighty, the creator of the universe.

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