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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

The Poetry Cycle Blues (Sonnet Form)

The Sonnet version

The summer sun, a tyrant, melts my tropes,

Spring's gentle breeze, a memory long flown.

"Let's write some verse!" you chirp, with summer's hopes,

But hold, dear friend, this season's turned a groan.

We once spun sonnets, light as summer's sigh,

Now deadlines loom, a trio, dark and dire.

The well of inspiration seems to dry

Can verse survive this summer's scorching fire?

Yet muse, take pity! Let a cool breeze blow,

And grant us wit beneath the air conditioner's hum.

With icy hats and tropical tunes aglow,

We'll conquer rhymes, this cycle's summer overcome!

Summer time is just near the door.

Get ready, hold the floor 🤣

The Poetry cycle

Written by

Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

The Poetry Cycle Blues (Sonnet Form)
The Author

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