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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

To Anneliese, my first flame

Both the ocean and love share the bitter,

The ocean is bitter, love is a bitter quiver,

In love, we can lose ourselves, much like the sea's shiver,

For neither sea nor love are without storms to deliver.

Let those who fear the waves stay on the shore,

Those who dread the pains that love has in store,

Let them not surrender to love's wild roar,

And both shall navigate without the risk of being tore.

The muse of Anneliese was born from the ocean's sway,

The fire of love emerges, its mother from the water's bay,

But waves against this fire cannot hold sway.

If waves could calm a love's fervent blaze,

Your love that burns me is so painfully ablaze,

That I would drown these flames in the ocean of my gaze.

Flower of nostalgia
To my first flame.

Sao paulo, Juillet 2014

A bitter nostalgia.

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