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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

Whispers Across the Border

Across the border, past the wall,

Where home is ash and fear is all,

They flee, they wander, seeking rest,

With echoes of a war-torn nest.

Whispers Across the Border: A Song for the Uprooted

Refugees, with hearts that ache,

Carrying memories on a fragile wake,

Migrants, driven by a desperate plea,

For work, for life, for liberty.

Strangers, faces etched with silent pain,

Eyes that hold a whispered hurricane,

Immigrants, yearning for a chance to bloom,

In foreign soil, to chase a whispered moon.

Asylum seekers, knocking at the door,

Begging for haven, just a sliver more,

Of safety, shelter, human grace,

A refuge from the storm they cannot face.

Their stories whisper, etched in sand,

Of journeys perilous, across hostile land,

Of families torn, of hopes deferred,

Of dreams that hunger, unheard, unstirred.

But in their eyes, a flicker burns,

A resilience born from shattered turns,

A strength that whispers, even low,

We will rise, we will grow.

So let us see, beyond the label's guise,

The human spirit, in their tearful eyes,

The yearning hearts, the dreams untold,

And in their suffering, find stories to unfold.

Let us open arms, let compassion bloom,

Offer solace in the gathering gloom,

For in their struggle, we too see,

The fragile threads of humanity.

May walls crumble, may borders fade,  And every soul, a safe haven made,  For in their journey, we find our own,  To build a world where none are left alone.
Whispers Across the Border: A Song for the Uprooted

May walls crumble, may borders fade,

And every soul, a safe haven made,

For in their journey, we find our own,

To build a world where none are left alone.

Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba , Feb. 2024

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