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Kossi Ntiafalali Aziagba

Down Françafrique. - À bas la Françafrique

There is no savior for Africa. No one exists, somewhere, who will one day come to save Africa. Neither you, nor I. But we can call for change. And things will change. This book is free and will always be. Let's share it - Let's call for change. My appeal is directed to every human being, every African, every person concerned about the future of the African continent.

To all those who love Africa.

Consider, for illustrative purposes, a group of ten to fifteen individuals undertaking the ascent of a mountain. This metaphor provides a vivid representation of the dynamics underlying Françafrique. The most vigorous and determined members lead the ascent, driven by a constant desire to reach ever higher summits. However, in order to progress, they may occasionally need to step on those at the bottom, using them as stepping stones. This situation can create noticeable discomfort and generate tensions within the group.

The members positioned at the lower part, often less robust, may not always have the necessary resources to counteract the ascent of the leaders. Their aspiration, witnessing this rise to power, often revolves around reversing roles, climbing to the top, and thus occupying a position of authority. Thus, the expression "Down with the strong!" takes on its full significance, symbolizing the desire to see those in preeminent positions descend to allow others to take the lead. The preceding allegory provides a deeper understanding of the expression "Down Françafrique." It reflects a widespread discontent among African populations towards this authoritarian and constraining system.

We have the duty to rise, to claim our rights, and to defend our interests. Education, civic engagement, and active participation in the political and social life of our nations are powerful weapons. Let us aid Africa, support the movement.

Author's Note:

To fully grasp the content of this work, it is imperative to understand the scope of the term "Down Françafrique."

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